1 piatto di risotto avanzato
3 uova
pezzettini di scamorza
Sbattere uova, sale, parmigiano e aggiungere i pezzettini di scamorza. Aggiungere il riso e amalgamare. Oleare e cospargere di pangrattato una teglia, disporre il composto e spolverare la superficie di parmigiano, pangrattato e un filo d'olio. Infornare a 180° per una ventina di minuti.
Lilly loves sformato di risooo :)
unfortunately I am having very little time to update my riccetario this, because time university exams, but as soon as I leave you some more post to share my passion with the world and, if possible, help to make life easier in the kitchen with some simple recipe fast ... for example by recycling some leftovers ... it is the case today! advanced a great risotto spianaci the day after mica is thrown! It makes a nice pie in no time and buonissimoooo ... the amount of course may not be accurate, pointing you to my for a small baking pan 3 people:
1 dish of risotto advanced
3 eggs
Parmesan q.b.
small pieces of smoked cheese q.b
breadcrumbs q.b
Whisk eggs, salt, parmesan cheese and add the pieces of smoked cheese. Add the rice and mix. Oleare a baking dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, place the mixture and sprinkle the surface of parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.
Lilly loves rice pudding
Grazie Lilly per aver partecipato con questa ricetta davvero SMART alla Parmigiano Reggiano Chef!!!!!!
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